Reverse Osmosis Vs. Traditional Water Softeners: Differences Between Them And The Benefits Of Each

Home & Garden Blog

If you have finally decided to clean up and purify the water in your home, you may be looking at different types of water purification systems. Two types of systems that are very popular with homeowners are the reverse osmosis system and a traditional water softener. The following information discusses their differences and their benefits so that you can make a more informed decision about what you want for your home.

1 June 2016

How To Re-Caulk Glass Shower Doors

Home & Garden Blog

Glass shower doors are very stylish and durable. However, they do require a little bit of maintenance over the years. Most importantly, you need to make sure that the seams between the separate glass panels are always sealed and water tight. Overtime, the caulk in between the seams can become moldy and deteriorate. If you fail to maintain them, it can be expensive to repair. This article explains how to remove old or moldy caulk and replace it with a new product.

6 May 2016

Copper Pipe Leaks: Fix Them Yourself

Home & Garden Blog

Leaks in your copper water pipes can increase your utility bills by wasting water and also make a soggy mess in your house. In some cases, however, you can fix the problem yourself. This article examines two practical methods at your disposal for fixing leaks in your copper plumbing pipes.  Compression Coupling  The first method involves a special type of plumbing hardware called a compression coupling. It's made especially to connect two sections of copper piping and generally comes in lengths of 6 and 12 inches. To begin, turn off the water to your home at the main valve and drain any water remaining in the pipes.

12 April 2016

Protecting Your Basement From Water Damage

Home & Garden Blog

If you own a home with a basement, water related issues can wreak havoc on your foundation. The basement is important for your home's structural integrity, and water can seep in through the walls or the ground, causing the integrity to be compromised. In order to protect your home from water-related issues in the basement, waterproofing can help stop the problem before it starts. Here are some ways you can help prevent problems with water from affecting your basement.

9 March 2016

Considering Central Air Conditioning For The House? What To Know


If you are tired of hot nights in the summer when you can't sleep because you don't have an air conditioner, and coming into a home that is hotter on the inside than the outside, it's time to get a central air conditioner. There are many great benefits to investing the money in central air for the home.  There are a lot of different models for all homes based on your air conditioning needs, and over time the unit can benefit you in a variety of ways.

8 February 2016

Happy Fish Tank = Happy Owner: 4 Steps To Success

Home & Garden Blog

Setting up your first fish tank is a fun task that the whole family can be a part of. But you can make your life much easier by doing some layout planning and a little bit of research before beginning. Jumping in without planning may result in harder maintenance work, unhappy or incompatible fish or wasting of money. Here are four steps to get your first tank successfully on its way.

14 January 2016

Garden Inspiration: How To Create The Perfect Housewarming Gift For The Gardening Enthusiast

Home & Garden Blog

Housewarming parties are popular for several reasons. Not only is it fun to celebrate with loved ones when they move into their brand new home, but housewarming parties are a wonderful way to help your loved ones acquire the household items they need to establish their new home. However, housewarming gifts are often related to the inside of the house. If your new homeowner loves gardening, they will be delighted when you create a garden-themed container filled with gifts they can use outdoors.

17 December 2015